
Main function

  • painter is defined with two methods:

    • Full parameters definition. This method is generally used to initialize the algorithm:

      OIDATA,PDATA = painter(Folder, nbitermax, nx, lambda_spat, lambda_spec, lambda_L1, epsilon, rho_y, rho_spat, rho_spec, rho_ps, alpha, Wvlt, beta, eps1, eps2, FOV, mask3D, xinit3D, indfile, indwvl, aff, CountPlot, PlotFct, admm)
    • Specific structures. This method allows to restart the algorithm, for example if the number of iterations is not sufficient (see variable nbitermax+=100).

      OIDATA,PDATA = painter(OIDATA,PDATA, nbitermax, aff; plotfunction)
  • painter returns 3 structures:

    OIDATA,PDATA = painter(...)


    • OIDATA: contains all OIFITS information and user defined parameters.
    • PDATA: contains all the variables and arrays modified during iterations.

Auxiliary functions

paintersave(filename::String, PDATA::PAINTER_Data, OIDATA::PAINTER_Input)

Saves the structures OIDATA, PDATA into *.jld julia data files. The prefix of these structures is added before the “filename” base when writing the output files. See HDF5 package for details on the format.

filename= "datafile.jld"
cd("~/path/to/saved/data") # move to a different directory if necessary

Loads the structures from *.jld files. The files to be loaded must start with OIDATA_ and PDATA_ prefixes, but the filename entered as an argument should not have a prefix, since they are internally added by this function. Therefore, the filename of painterload is compatible with the one of paintersave.

PDATA2,OIDATA2 = painterload(filename)

The current version of the save function doesn’t save the pointer to the user defined plot function. To warmstart the algorithm, the user must call the painter(...) with the personalized plot function as argument otherwise the default plot function is used.

painterfitsexport(filename::String, PDATA::PAINTER_Data, OIDATA::PAINTER_Input)

Saves the relevant information from PDATA (output data cube and associated criteria, reconstructed complex visibilities,...) and from OIDATA (wavelengths, input reconstruction parameters,...) into a FITS file “filename”, which possibly includes a full path. The resulting FITS file has three HDUs : “Primary” is the reconstructed image cube, “INFO” contains the reconstruction parameters and criteria, and “VIS” contains the complex visibilities of the reconstruction, with the associated wavelengths and (U,V) points.

filename = "~/path/to/saved/data/myfitsdata.fits"
painterplotfct(PDATA::PAINTER_Data, OIDATA::PAINTER_Input)

It is recommended to monitor the iterations of the algorithm when the number of wavelength is small, e.g. < 30.

The default function computes the number of subplots as a function of the number of wavelength if nw<30. Its is automatically called if PyPlot is installed and aff=true.

  • The first figure shows the per-channel estimates projected on the domain support. The axis are defined by the field of view with no limitation of the amplitude (colorbars are different for all images).
  • The second figure shows the primal and dual residuals (crit1 and crit2) as a function of the iteration.
mask(nx::Int, param::Int, choice::String)

Creates a binary mask of size nx2:

Mymask3D = mask(nx,param,choice)
  • choice can be a square (default: choice="square") or a disk (choice="disk").
  • nx is the size of the image.
  • param is the radius of the disk or the half size of the square.